Life & Finances


Life & Finances Solutions

No matter if you need life, medical, mortgage life, long term, or disability insurance, Nickerson has got you covered. Our insurance agents will ensure that you have all of the coverage you need for your autos. Take a look at the different kinds of policies that we have to see how we can help you.


Understanding how to plan your finances is the best thing that you can do to prepare for your future. We can help you with your life and financial planning to ensure that you have enough saved for your future.


Just like auto insurance, medical insurance is a service you pay for in order to protect yourself from the unexpected. Give us a call at Nickerson Insurance Services, Inc. and speak to a knowledgeable insurance agent.


Mortgage life insurance is important if you don’t want to leave your loved ones with the burden of paying your mortgage. Speak to an insurance agent and plan financially to minimize the financial impact of your death.


Long-term care insurance is designed to provide financial support for those with chronic illnesses, conditions or disabilities. For more information about long-term care policies and the services they provide, call today.


Disability can lead to financial disaster. If you become disabled and lose your ability to earn a living, it becomes hard to pay for normal living expenses. Disability insurance helps you compensate for lost wages.


It is never too early to start planning for retirement! IRAs allow you to save for the future on a tax-deferred basis or with tax-free growth. For more information about the financial advantages of IRAs, give us a call.


There are many benefits to investing in annuities as a tool for financial planning. There is great flexibility with annuities, because you can choose to receive payments for the rest of your life or for a set period of time.


A pension plan is a form of savings account that an employer controls in order to award you with a fixed payout at the time of your retirement. Your payout is dependent on your salary and how long you have worked.

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