Additional Commercial Insurance



BizAssure is a cooperative network of insurance agencies, accountants, attorneys and other business professionals who work together to provide consulting services free of charge to clients of Nickerson Insurance Services, Inc.


When a business is insured through Nickerson, you can obtain free business advice right when you need it. Consulting happens over the phone, all at no charge. We also offer added services at discounted prices for our clients on a wide variety of products and services in order to manage their business more efficiently.


Not all insurance agencies are the same and not all insurance agencies are like Nickerson Insurance Services, Inc.! We have made the commitment and investment in BizAssure to distinguish ourselves and show that we value our clients.


All processes are precisely documented in accordance with regulations. Each change is made in compliance with the internal controlling system to ensure quality. Every step of the process is discussed in detail with all involved, including external auditors.

This is why BizAssure exists. We are a cooperative of professionals and we are here to help you “Control it All!”


Annual membership amount, currently $300. (Increase is not until January 2024).

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