Business Auto Insurance


Ocean Marine Insurance

If your company transports goods over oceans, it may be necessary to insure your goods in case of any unexpected damage in transit. Nickerson insures importers and exporters. Shipping things overseas is always a risk because you cannot be with your products at every point during transit. Nickerson gives you the security that you need.

If your cargo is damaged or lost during transit, our ocean marine insurance will hold the liable party responsible for all damages. We have many different insurance plans that are based on the value of the cargo that you are shipping or having shipped to you. There are a number of risks where shippers may damage or lose your cargo. This is why it is especially important to consider ocean marine insurance.

Risks with Ocean Transit

  • Improper packing
  • Inappropriate vessel in accordance with goods
  • Ocean travel
  • Customs
  • Multiple transactions

Many of these risks cannot be prevented, so it is important to keep your cargo insured. Our agents will be with you and your company to make sure that you have everything that you need to keep your business going as usual. Our agents work hard to make sure that our clients are satisfied with our service and our insurance plans. Call Nickerson Insurance Services, Inc. today to talk to us about how we can make sure that your cargo is kept safe.

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