Life & Finances


Medical Insurance

Just like auto insurance, medical insurance is a service you pay for in order to protect yourself from the unexpected. Life can be complicated and there are times when unforeseen and unpredictable obstacles come up in people’s lives. With medical insurance, you protect yourself from financial loss in the event that you suddenly develop a serious illness or experience a traumatic accident. Both of these uncontrollable problems rack up staggering medical bills. The inability to pay for them will leave you fighting personal bankruptcy, can ruin your credit score and will no doubt set you back for decades.


Medical insurance is important for a number of reasons. There are different benefits associated with different coverage plans. Below are just a few of the benefits associated with purchasing health coverage:

  • Protection from health and financial risks
  • Pay less for in-network health care
  • Free preventative care

Nobody plans to to get injured or sick; however, everyone will need some variation of medical care at some point throughout their life. Give us a call at Nickerson Insurance Services, Inc. and speak to a knowledgeable insurance agent. There are many different medical insurance coverage plans to choose from. We discuss your lifestyle and your family and find the best plan to fit your needs.

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